C25K Success stories: Janet Lowthe, our 2017 New Commer Award winner

Around this time many of us look back over the past year and think about the year ahead !
Last year I rather reluctantly decided to sign up for the Dunboyne AC Couch to 5K (C25K) program and even more reluctantly turned up for the first session in January 2017!
My reluctance soon faded thanks to the ever encouraging and welcoming C25K coaches. The program is very carefully structured to allow anyone, of any fitness level, to improve week by week and move toward the goal of completing the 5K. That became a reality at the end of February and for me was a huge personal achievement to be able to complete it without stopping. If someone had asked me to jog just one lap of the track continuously in early January, I would have stared at them in sheer horror! but the program allowed me to gradually reach my goal and the sense of achievement was wonderful.
The original plan was to bid farewell to Dunboyne AC when the 5K was achieved, but by then I didn’t want to leave so I just moved over to the clubs’ ongoing F4L (Fit for Life) group. I will never be a fast runner but I’ve benefited greatly from joining. I have made some fantastic friends along the way, am definitely a lot fitter, succeeded in doing a number of other 5K events and even gone a bit further doing a few 5 mile &10K races.
But most importantly have thoroughly enjoyed my year with the Club !
Joining C25K was DEFINITELY my best ever New Years’ resolution