Couch to 5k Graduation – Part II

Couch to 5k Graduation – Part II
And here is to another amazing evening. I am not talking about the weather, of course!
Some of the runners who could not do their 5k challenge did it last night.
6 runners did the challenge while their colleagues did the session in the opposite direction.
Weather was bad, but the running was phenomenal. And something that happened on Saturday was repeated again, the pacing! Every single one of them were able to pace themselves really well. This is some skill to have.
There was no teas and scones this time but all the cheering and warmth from all the rest of the C25K friends.
The new Graduates are:
Celine Sluds      39.40
Liam Griffith       24.15
Niall Black          32.38
Niall Madigan     27.12
Paddy Mullen     24.18
Sandra Patton   31.08
Now all the C25k runners will mirror the F4L session at 9pm until the Dunboyne4mile race every Tuesday and Thursday.
On Saturdays we will do practice runs and we will meet at 11am at the entrance of the Industrial State.
Categories: Couch to 5K

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