***DA’Camp 2016 – This Saturday 9th January***

***DA’Camp 2016 – This Saturday 9th January***

What do the gurus say about our DA’Camp classes?

 “DA’Camp will improve your core strength which is key to improving fitness and speed and avoiding injury”

Gary O’Hanlon, Senior and Fit4Life Coach and professional personal trainer.  The DA’Camp classes were started on Gary’s recommendation.

 “Circuit training improves overall fitness, strength and core stability whilst also improving flexibility and joint range and strength – these combined will make you a better runner who is less prone to injury.”

Paul Gannon, Fit4Life Coach and DA’Camp assistant coach

“I encourage Seniors to get involved”

Tony O’Neill, Senior Coach (and man of few words…..sometimes!)

 “Rory’s preparation and planning for DA’Camp is excellent.  Each exercise is carefully thought out and the schedule changes week by week, keeping the interest, and building strength & fitness levels for all participants.  There are 3 different intensity levels for each exercise so the challenge is laid out for all abilities and all members of the club from F4Y, F4L and Seniors alike and indeed non-members.”

John O’Malley, Fit4Life Coach and member of the Senior group

 DA’Camp coach Rory Kavanagh told us countless times that, among other things, circuit and core training “improves sporting performance and improves physical appearance.”  Need we say more?

See you all on Saturday 9th January folks.  Open to members and non-members alike, so bring your neighbours, family and friends and spread the word. 

 Please see our flyer for joining details.


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