As track development continues for another 2 weeks approx, Senior training for tonight and next week will be in Porterstown Park at 7pm. See below update from our Club secretary
Dear Members,
So this is the email we have all been anticipating and so patiently waiting for. Apologies for the delayed update but we wanted to be 100% sure about the dates as we are relying so heavy on good weather for this completion.
Thank you to all members for being so patient and understanding about the track closure which has gone on for longer than anticipated. This was solely down to the poor weather we had in May/June in conjunction with our contractors for the track and line marking. So far to date we have completed the build of our long awaited 8 Lane Full Synthetic 400m Tartan flood lit track. All that is left is the line marking which will commence on July 11th and take approx 4-5 days weather dependant. We expect to fully open the track in the next 2 weeks and really do appreciate you continued patience as it will all be worth it in the end. I will be in touch again in the next 2 weeks with the final message for the opening.
Kind Regards
Keith Eglington
Club Secretary