Join Fit4Life

The Fit4Life group at Dunboyne AC is proving very popular in the local and wider community. Membership has been growing fast and the group now includes a good number of men and women. Come down some evening and check us out!
We have a large, friendly Fit4Life group, catering for everyone from beginners/walkers through to joggers and runners of all ages. We encourage everyone to train to the best of their ability, whatever that might be. Some members used to run years ago or in school, and find Fit4Life a great way to get back into it again in a non-pressured environment. Many more are completely new to running – everyone fits in happily with us. Our members get a lot out of Fit4Life. There are the obvious health benefits. But what they also get is a huge sense of achievement, and a sense of belonging with like-minded people who want to get out there and feel good about themselves through physical exercise.
Fit4Life meet on Tuesday and Thursday, with two sessions to choose from on each day: 5.30pm to 6.30pm and 8pm to 9pm. Expert coaching and friendly encouragement is provided by our trainer. Rather than running, feel free to just come along to walk and join in with the group. The group also offers some more informal Saturday runs, for when members feel ready to hit longer runs on the road!
Fit4Lifers always aim to bring fun to our running outings. For the last few years we’ve organised a bus to ferry us to the Women’s Mini Marathon, and dinner and drinks in Dunboyne on the evening of the mini marathon is becoming an institution. Participating in races and fun-runs, from 5k to much longer – a number of Fit4Lifers will progress on to 10k, 10 miles, half-marathon and even full marathon distances, other have participated at Cross-Country and Track&Field meets representing the club and winning championship medals, but as ever there is no pressure to do so. Race events are a great way to judge how much we’ve achieved through all that training, and in Fit4Life, we aim to make races fun. We try to go along as a group and meet afterwards to discuss the highs and lows and to encourage each other to keep up the good work.
Fit4Life train at the track on Tuesday and Thursday, with two sessions to choose from on each day: 5.30pm to 6.30pm and 8pm to 9pm
Join Us
Feel free to come along to training to check it out and then join up if you think you’ll come again. If you need more information, please email
Click on this link below to see Membership Fees and pay/renew your Membership:
Note: Fully paid members will be registered with Athletics Association of Ireland (AAI) and Meath County Board. Membership period is for the calendar year January to December. AAI registration includes insurance cover under the AAI Insurance Scheme. Only registered members are eligable to compete for Dunboyne AC in AAI competitions and are insured to use the Dunboyne AC track.