Junior athletes from age 15+ to Navan Sports Adventure Centre on Saturday 17th February at 12 noon.
Hi All
Meath athletics would like to invite all junior athletes from age 15+ within the county to the Navan Sports Adventure Centre on Saturday 17th February at 12 noon.
The idea is to bring the young athletes together in a relaxed atmosphere, allowing them to go for a group run or do a session or just chat and then come back into the sports adventure café for pizzas and a discussion.
We are looking at 2 hours max and we hope to have one or two of our senior athletes along and chat about their transition from Juvenile/Junior status into the difficult phase of becoming a senior athlete as well as allowing the Juniors discuss the challenges they face.
We are conscious that the Meath awards evening will be held later on but it will be kept short and we did a similar get together with Sara Treacy last year on the Hill of Tara which the young athletes found very helpful.
Coaches and parents are welcome.
Please indicate your interest by confirming to keglington@gmail.com as we need to confirm places.