Race Report & Video – Win and another PB over 800m for Niall Cornyn at the Le Cheile International IMC Meet

Niall Cornyn followed up an excellent outing at the Morton Games with a fantastic 2:01:99 time and a win at the Le Cheile / IMC Meet held in Leixlip on Saturday.
Niall wasn’t helped by the conditions and the fact that it was entirely a solo effort. A grade or two above the one he ran in would’ve also meant that he’d have got a tow around with less exposure to the blustery conditions. Despite this and less than favourable preparation his class shone through much to the crowds delight. A fine performance which must put thoughts of sub 2 before seasons end in his mind.
Well done Niall!
Watch his excellent run here – http://youtu.be/6xpdMAkdymw