
Our Club is volunteer run and relies on our members to volunteer their time and skills to keep operating.
We have always been fortunate to have a strong core of members who volunteer and help out regularly and we are very grateful for their support.
Below are the list of areas where members are very welcome to help out by volunteering.
Email us at info@dunboyneathleticclub.com if you can help. Thank you!
Key Volunteer Roles
Juvenile and Junior Coaching – to safely run our Juvenile (8 – 12 year olds) and Junior (13-18) training sessions we need an adequate number of coaches. Parents of Juvenile members are especially encouraged to get involved. Garda vetting and Athletics Ireland training will be provided to all Juvenile/Junior coaches. Please email juvenile@dunboyneathleticclub.com for more details.
Dunboyne AC Event Support – we always require a significant number of volunteers for events run or hosted by the club, in particular the Winter Throws, Dunboyne 10K, Clonee 10K and Carton 6K.
Digital Communications – replying to questions and queries from members and the public via email and Facebook. Posting club notices and race and event reports on Facebook and the Club website.
Club Operations and Admin – time taken may be one hour a week for the year, from home, or a number of hours over a short period of time, once a year.
Have a look at the list of sub-committees and roles and let us know where you can help out.
Committee Meetings – Club Committee Meetings take place on the last Thursday of each month and all members are encouraged and welcome to attend.
There may be other ad-hoc tasks we may need help with, such as forming a ‘meithil’ to do a track tidy, or some other similar and short group help tasks.