Watch the Action Unfold Together Tomorrow! Special Viewing of Sara Treacy’s Olympic Race Upstairs, Mulvany’s Fingal House, Saturday 13th August 1:30pm

Friends of Dunboyne AC, Members, Parents of Juvenile Members and all of our neighbours…
Given that having an Olympian is such a special and unique occasion the Club have arranged with our kind hosts Mulvany’s to have a special showing of Sara’s race, live, upstairs at Mulvany’s Fingal House in Dunboyne.
Not alone that, but there’ll be local and possibly national media there, with cameras, and possibly TV cameras – there’s a strong possibility that we could see ourselves on Six One news tomorrow evening!
With that in mind can you please make a special effort to be there, and deck yourself out in the blue and white of Dunboyne AC. Bring friends, family, relations, cats, dogs, whoever you want to bring, bring! We hope to create quite an atmosphere and celebrate this great occasion in a manner that Sara’s efforts with her ‘Road to Rio’ over the past two years deserves.
It’s a Saturday lunchtime, and it’s likely you’ll be at home watching anyway, so why not enjoy the experience in the company of your Club mates.
Did we mention the free beer yet? No, we didn’t, there’s no free beer, but what there will be is plenty of nibbles, so get there early, as anyone who whose been to any of our socials will know, we’ve some very hungry hippos in Dunboyne AC.
1:30pm, Upstairs, Mulvany’s Fingal House, be there!